Hey I'm Gundeep

I am an avid Electronics Enthusiast

Not-Gate using BJT
Voltage Indicator
Toggle Switch
Led Pattern
Joystick controlled Servo
Led Dimmer(PWM)
Visit My Youtube Channel for more project videos
I have been a part of UMSATS Rocket Team, as a member of Avionics subsystem, for about four months. I have honestly loved working on electrical projects such as choosing the flash memory chip by first computing the amount of memory needed, then researching the best option by comparing prices, reliability and speeds of different flash chip technologies(NOR and NAND specifically). I actually did not know much about flash memory prior to this project but due to some online research and excellent guidance by the subsystem co-lead. I was able to learn enough about this technology. I am very grateful for the opportunity.
I love going to work sessions every sunday and tuesdays, meeting like-minded people. I did not work on a particular project but got to help others in their projects like sorting components for the PCB's, entering data into excel sheets, stripping and crimping wires. Occasionally, I helped the electrical lead in setting up and performing tab testing. I have completed general shop training and am ready for high voltage training for working on the car.
About Me
I am Gundeep Singh.

I am really fascinated by the world of Electronics, trying to learn new things through various online resources and replicating projects with some of my own personal touch and creativity.These projects include use of Arduino(micro-controller), Gate chips and basic e-components.
I am eager to apply this knowledge in real world and also learn new things while doing so. Moreover, I am also good at coding but usually prefer hardware side of things.

Personality: Introvert
Experience: In Pursuit Of
Fun_Fact: Sleeps a lot :)
Contact Me
+1 (204) 970-0286